MES COllege


An active PTA has been functioning in the college since 1976. It regularly provides financial aid to economically backward students. It also sponsors some funds to the college for its infra structural development where there is no Govt. aid or it is insufficient. It motivates students who excel in academic field by giving cash awards. It gives proper guidance to the college authorities in maintaining discipline inside the campus.

The parents of each student who is admitted in the college shall join the Association by paying a membership fee. All the teachers will be the members of the association.

Principal is the President of PTA, one of the Teaching Staff Member is the Secretary, and one of the Executive Member from Parents is the Vice President. The Present Vice President is Sayyid Fasal Pookoyya Thangal.

Parent Teachers Association is always active in the overall development of the college. Last year also they contributed generously for various activities of the institution. . It monitors the discipline in the institution. We collect parents feedback regularly and incorporate their suggestions in the decision making process. Endowment scholarships were given to students who have special achievement in arts and sports.
  • Participation of students in the A zone festival.
  • Special cash award to University Examination rank holders
    • I Rank Rs 1000 each
    • II Rank Rs 750 each
    • III Rank Rs 600 each
  • Cash award to top scorers in University P.G. final examination.
  • Cash award to top scorers in University Degree final Examination.
  • Cash award to top scorers of University II year Degree Examination.
  • Cash award to top scorers of Ist year University Degree Examination.
  • PTA award to University rank holders.
  • Financial assistance to purchase sports equipments.
  • Financial support to various activities of NSS and NCC.
  • Financial support for the participation of students in sports/arts competitions outside the campus.
  • Vidyanidhi Scholarship: This merit scholarship is launched by PTA in 2023


Dr.C Rajesh

Vice President

Mr.Basheer Cholakkal

