MES COllege

Wezbalalonza 2.0 at

Reported on: 12-03-2024
AUPS Kumaramputhur

Math Exhibition at AUPS Kumaramputhur

The Department of Mathematics at MES Kalladi College, Mannarkkad, organized an extension activity named WEZBOLANZA 2.0 at AUP School, Kumaramputhur, on 12th March 024, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The event aimed to foster mathematical curiosity and critical thinking among school students while promoting a fun and interactive learning environment. The primary objective of WEZBOLANZA 2.0 was to engage students in mathematical concepts beyond the conventional classroom setting. Through a series of engaging activities and games, the event aimed to enhance students' problem-solving skills, logical reasoning, and mathematical creativity. The event commenced with an inaugural ceremony, where faculty members from the Department of Mathematics welcomed the students and introduced them to the day's agenda. The activities were designed to cater to students from different grade levels, ensuring inclusivity and participation for all. A hands-on workshop was organized where students learned the basics of mathematical modeling through interactive demonstrations and group activities. They explored real-world applications of mathematics, such as predicting population growth or modeling the spread of diseases. Students showcased their creativity by presenting mathematical concepts through art. From tessellations to fractal patterns, the exhibition highlighted the aesthetic side of mathematics and encouraged students to view the subject from a different perspective. In conclusion, WEZBOLANZA 2.0 was a resounding success, achieving its objectives of promoting mathematical curiosity and critical thinking among school students. The event provided a platform for students to explore the beauty and relevance of mathematics outside the confines of traditional textbooks, inspiring them to become lifelong learners of the subject. The Department of Mathematics at MES Kalladi College remains committed to organizing such extension activities in the future, nurturing the mathematical talents of the next generation.