MES COllege


Reported on: 13-12-2023
Audio Visual Lab


MILLETOPIA: International Millet Year Celebration Date: 13-12-2023 Venue: Audio Visual Lab Introduction: The Department of Food Technology, in association with the Food Safety Department in Palakkad, celebrated the International Millet Year on December 13, 2023. The event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of millet as a sustainable solution for agrarian and nutritional challenges. The celebration consisted of various activities, including a welcome speech, a presidential address, an inaugural ceremony, a seminar session, and competitions. Event Highlights: Welcome Speech: Muhammed Faisal Kt, the Head of the Department of Food Technology, delivered the welcome speech, setting the tone for the event and expressing gratitude to all participants and attendees. Presidential Address: Dr. C Rajesh, the Principal of MES Kalladi College Mannarkkad, delivered the presidential address, emphasizing the significance of millet in addressing agricultural and nutritional challenges. Inaugural Ceremony: The program was officially inaugurated by Serena TC, the Food Safety Officer of Mannarkkad Circle. Her presence added prestige to the event and highlighted the importance of food safety in promoting millets. Seminar Session: Rajith, an Agricultural Officer from Millet Village Attapadi, conducted a seminar on the topic “Millets: A Sustainable Solution for Agrarian and Nutritional Challenges.” The session provided valuable insights into the benefits of millets and their potential to address various challenges in the agricultural sector. Felicitation: Dr. Sainul Abidin, the Director of Self-Financing Programs, gave felicitation to the program, acknowledging the efforts of the organizers and participants. His words of encouragement motivated everyone involved. Vote of Thanks: Gauri Sankar delivered the vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all the dignitaries, participants, and attendees for their contributions to the successful celebration of the International Millet Year. Program Activities: 1. Inter-Department Food Stall Competition: As part of the celebration, the department organized an inter-department food stall competition based on millets. Participants showcased their creativity and culinary skills by preparing various millet-based dishes. The competition aimed to promote the use of millets in everyday cooking. 2. Quiz Competition: A quiz competition was held for students and faculties from other departments. The quiz tested their knowledge about millets, their nutritional value, and their role in sustainable agriculture. This activity aimed to spread awareness and encourage learning about millets beyond the Department of Food Technology. 3. Sensory Valuation Competition: A sensory valuation competition was organized for students, where they had to evaluate and rate different millet-based products based on taste, texture, aroma, and overall sensory experience. This activity aimed to enhance students’ understanding of sensory evaluation and the quality of millet-based products. Conclusion: The International Millet Year Celebration organized by the Department of Food Technology, in association with the Food Safety Department in Palakkad, was a resounding success. The event successfully raised awareness about the importance of millet as a sustainable solution for agrarian and nutritional challenges. The various activities, including the inter-department food stall competition, quiz competition, and sensory valuation competition, engaged participants and promoted the use of millets in everyday life. The celebration served as a platform for learning, collaboration, and appreciation of the benefits of millets.