MES COllege
Qualification Institution Year Specialization
MSc University of Calicut June, 2017 Botany
  1. Impact of forestry practices on primary natural forests in the Western Ghats: A case study from Vazh

    Organized By KSCSTE, JNTBJRI

  2. Impact of landslide and flood on forest ecosystems with special reference to riparian forests in the

    Organized By MES Asmabi College, P. Vemballur

  3. Methodology for ecorestoration of degraded forest lands

    Organized By MES Asmabi College, P. Vemballur

  4. Riparian forest types in Kerala: An addition to Champion and Seth forest classification, 1968

    Organized By Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala

  5. Riparian forests in the rain shadow region of the Western Ghats: A case study on the Chinnar River,

    Organized By Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT)

  6. Mapping the riparian vegetation within Anamalai

    Organized By Western Ghats Hornbill Foundation, MES Asmabi College, P. Vemballur, Department of aquatic biology a

  7. Distribution of riparian vegetation within the Anamalai landscape unit, Western Ghats

    Organized By MES Asmabi College, P. Vemballur

  • Meridian

    Author:- Bachan, A.K.H., & Pooja, S.

    Riparian forest vegetation - A highly endangered wetland plant community: A case study from Vazhachal, Chalakkudy River, Western Ghats.

  • Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries

    Author:- Pooja, S., Sidhardh, A. S. K., & Bachan, A.K.H

    Biodiversity significance of lowelevation riparian forests in Vazhachal: conservation and restoration implications

  • Meridian

    Author:- Pooja, S., & Bachan, A.K.H

    Impact of forestry practices on primary natural forests in the Western Ghats: A case study from Vazhachal forest division, Kerala.

  • International Conference on Rivers for Future (RRF 2020)

    Author:- Pooja, S., & Bachan, A.K.H.

    Riparian Forest Types in Kerala an Addition to Champion and Seth Forest Classification

  • 31st International Conference of IAAT, Maharashtra

    Author:- Pooja, S., & Bachan, A.K.H

    Riparian Forests in the Rain Shadow Region of the Western Ghats: A Case Study on Chinnar River, Anamalai