MES COllege

Faculty Development Programme on Four Year UG Programme (FYUGP)

Faculty Development Programme on Four Year Under UG Programme (FYUGP) was conducted on 14/06/2024 in collaboration with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), MES Kalladi College, Mannarkkad at seminar hall of the College. The programme was conducted to equip the teachers to effectively implement and teach within the new academic framework of the Four Year Undergraduate Programme (FYUGP).

The programme was inaugurated by Dr. C Rajesh, Principal. The main session on Four Year Under UG Programme (FYUGP) was handled by eminent resource person Prof. Captn. (Dr.) Rejimon P. M. Professor in Economics, Mar Dionysius College, Thrissur. A total of 135 teachers were participated in this one-day Faculty Development Programme.

June 14, 2024
Faculty Development Programme on  Four Year UG Programme (FYUGP)
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