SPARSH: Touching Rural Lives through Student Driven Community Services
● To promote health and wellness among the local community
● To enhance quality of education in nearby schools
● To facilitate the upgradation of technological knowledge
● To empower rural women
● To foster volunteerism among students
● To promote sustainable practices
● To cultivate resilience and enhance disaster preparedness
The 21st century education which extend beyond career preparation, emphasises societal engagement. Acknowledging their vast potential, the students are engaging in community service that nurtures humanitarian values, enriching their education while allowing the community to reap benefit from their knowledge and service-oriented mindset.
· MES Medical Centre: It is an initiative of our institution which provides essential healthcare services to the local community, with students volunteering in medical camps and assisting patients.
· Students’ Initiatives in Palliative Care: Students raised funds to procure an ambulance and serve bedridden patients in nearby areas, distributing medicine as needed.
· Educational Quality Enhancement: The college enhances the quality of education in local schools through workshops and training, including online support during COVID.
· Technical Knowledge Enhancement: Conducted programmes led by students to improve technological awareness and skills in the community.
· Rural Women Empowerment: The college conducts training and empowerment programmes for local women in collaboration with self-help groups.
· Blood Donation Camps: Students regularly organize and participate in blood donation drives to help those in need.
· Covid Care Activities: The college acted as a Covid Care Centre, faculties handled duties related to covid and raised funds to provide mobile phones for students attending online classes.
· Flood Relief Initiatives: Students participated in cleaning activities and distributed essential materials during flood relief efforts.
· Swachhata Programmes: Students actively engage in cleaning initiatives in nearby villages, promoting hygiene and environmental health.
Evidence of Success
- MES Medical Centre has conducted 5 medical camps, an average of 1849 lab visits per year, and it provides the service of 8 specialist doctors.
- The Student’s Initiatives in Palliative provide emergency assistance to the needy. Under this program, students visit three times a week, utilizing the ambulance facilities.
- The Educational Enhancement Programmes intended to elevate the knowledge level of students of nearby schools. A total of 10 schools benefitted under this programme.
- Influenced by the training conducted under the rural women empowerment initiatives, two Janasevana Kendra were started by the women in our locality.
- An average of three blood donation camps were conducted under the guidance of NCC and NSS every year.
- The COVID care activities provided support and relief to the community. Under the initiative of the staff association, 16 students and a cleaning staff were provided with mobile phones to support their educational needs during the lockdown period.
- The activities of students during the flood were exemplary. They provided services and supplies to those who were needed. These accomplishments highlight our institution's positive impact on students and the community.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required
● Greater commitments to academics by most of the students create obstacles to offer regular services.
● In the medical centre, the limited expertise in medical services restricts the scope of what the students can offer.
● Recurring expenditures for the ambulance (salary of nurse and driver, fuel expense, maintenance etc.)