MES COllege

Extension Activity

Reported on: 06-03-2024
Nedumon agnvadi, thachampara

Fake news awareness and fact checking

MES Kalladi College06th March,2024 An extension program was organised by department of journalism and mass communication on 06th March 2024 at Nedumon Anganwadi,Thachambara.A group of students including seven and two teachers accompanying us reached Nedumon anganwadi, Thachambara by 10:00 .The extension program was made to make people at the locality to acknowledge about what is news , facts,fake news and misinformation.As the world is digitalized ,with that of benificial elements,a bleak side is that ,it paved a way for fake news and misinformation.So it would help people to be aware of this . Subsequently,a session was made to acquaint with how to verify weather an information is a fact or not.And an activity regarding this was also given to the people as well.The program got concluded at 12:00pm.As approaching to the end of the session ,we got feedbacks from the audience as well.